A Biblical View on Gender, Sexuality, and Marriage
Everyone has a story and a unique perspective through which they view the world. As followers of Christ, we adhere to a Biblical definition and standard of marriage, gender, and sexuality. That being said, every person - including anyone in the LGBTQIA+ community - is welcome, loved, and valued at Faith Community. To view a full statement of our beliefs regarding this topic, please see "The Nashville Statement"* linked below.
This is an incredibly important topic that impacts everyone uniquely. If you would like to discuss this statement or any other questions you may have, please reach out to our church office. One of our pastors would be happy to talk with you. You may email info@faithcommunity.co or call 636-671-4190 to set up a meeting.
Whatever your story looks like, you are welcome at Faith Community!
*"The Nashville Statement" was developed by CBMW, The Council of Biblical Manhood & Womanhood.